Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Getting ready for the Season of Giving

We have been so busy getting ready for Christmas. I will start updating better beginning of the year. Just so busy as a family right now to be posting but wanted to put some photos up as a family.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Give Thanks!

We had a fantastic Thanksgiving. Couldn't ask for a better one. Aidan went to the MD Clinic last Monday to see the rehab specialists. My mom and me got some clarification on Aidan. He is a thriving two year old. Right at this moment there isn't much more we could do for him. Keep doing what we are doing. He has speech and some physical therapy. They said usually parents don't find out their child has this disease until their 5 or 6 so its a blessing we found out early. Of course I have this urge I want to do more. I want to do something but you really cannot. I figure we can show awareness, try to raise money for a cure, that is our best options right now. We cannot do anything to his body but we can spread the word around the world. So we have a few things in the works. The MD is having the walk-a-thon this March and we made a team called TEAM AIDAN. If anyone is interested joining our team let me know. Email is the best way to reach me: I want to still ask everyone to please pray for Aidan, our family, pray for all the children with DMD, and pray for the families of the lost.

On a good note, we are getting ready for Christmas

Thanks to my hubby for doing a terrific job decorating!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Raising Money for a Cause

Just wanted to give a huge thank you to HONDA PARTS CONNECTION off of Peachtree Industrail in Buford, Ga for raising a total $100.22 in change for MDA for Aidan. WTR Transmission and The Cabe Family is so thankful for their contribution. EVERY PENNY COUNTS!

Long Time

Sorry I have not been blogging lately. Been very busy lately with all the three kiddos. Aidan has been doing great no big issues at the moment. I did apply for disability for him so I am going through that process. Also I finally finished my story about Aidan as a co-author in a book so that was very exciting and loved that I got to do that. Also some calendars are coming out for Duchenne so if anyone would like to buy one let me know. I will have more information soon. Holidays are coming up and this is the first one since knowing about his diagnosis. I don't think it will change anything about the holidays. Holidays are usually a happy time and joyful time anyways. Aidan has an appointment with the MD Clinic this Monday. Little nervous as usual but I know it will be okay. We are just trying to still take one day at a time and enjoy every moment even if it is a little moment. Our goal as a family for next year is work hard for awareness for Duchenne, get healthier, and also hopefully we can fully adopt Aidan. We have alot of things to be thankful for and we are very blessed!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lost to DMD

A little boy last night lost his fight to DMD. I took it hard. I do not know the family personally. I know of the family from being a co-author in a book with his mother. I felt pain and heartache for his family. He is with angels now and he is no longer affected by DMD. We do not like this disease and it just hits home within the Duchenne Community. I knew there were many that has lost their lives to this horrible disease. I am gonna fight for the lives that couldn't fight anymore and I am gonna fight for the ones that are still fighting. We need people to advocate, spread the word, and stand up for these boys and girls that have to fight to live. We need to help fight! We need to do all we can do to find a cure! We need to let people know what this disease is and what it does to the boys and girls with DMD. We are in this together and we will fight together!!!!!

Aidan's 2nd Birthday

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Aidan's 2nd Birthday

Aidan had a blast for his birthday! It was his birthday but also a time to be together and enjoy each other. Saturday he got to have a party at my father's house and on Sunday had a party at my mother's house. I don't want to say it was just about Aidan. I think it was for all of us. This past year has been a rough roller coaster of emotions. It was a feeling of oh my goodness he is getting older. He has been in our home for a year and a half now. Seems like yesterday he was a baby. Sometimes I wish time would just pause for a second. He is growing up to be a little boy now, not my little baby boy anymore. Also feelings of one step closer to dealing with other things that we of course don't want to think about but we know their in the back of our mind. I think we still have some things to think about and questions that need to be answered. But we are gonna take one question at a time and we are gonna stay strong and determined. Right now Aidan is just enjoying life and he gives me strength and courage. I see him just laughing and playing. He is not effected by everything right now and we should just enjoy life as much as possible.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Truth on Paper

On Tuesday, September 20,2011, The MD Clinic called and notify me Aidan's DNA genetic test came back. It is confirmed he has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. He is missing exon 52 to 54. We all knew in our hearts and we all heard it already but for me it was hard. I had hope in my heart they were wrong. That is could be something else. Maybe in denial a little bit. Saturday the test results came in the mail and I read them over and over. This is true, this is what he has. Everyone asks so what's next? What are they gonna do? That is the hardest question to answer. There is nothing to be done right now. Live life. He is so young MD clinic justs watches him. He is doing speech therapy and physical therapy but other than that there isnt anything anyone can do. But I realized just because we cannot do anything to Aidan. We can do something for Aidan. We spread awareness. We get people to pray for him. We raise money for a cure. We will not sit back and wait for this disease to start when it wants to. We will start now. He is gonna be a kid like everyone else. I will make sure of that. Stephen and me will do everything in our power to do our best as parents and we will do everything to spread the word about this disease! Aidan is doing well. He still falls but what kid doesn't have bumps, bruises, and scraps. He is a boy right!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Trike-A-Thon in Aidan's honor

Our daycare, Children's Learning Center, was planning a Trike-A-Thon for St. Jude but when they found out that Aidan had been diagnosed with Duchenne they decided to have it in his honor. I was so touched. I didn't know about it until I saw it on their front door with a picture of Aidan. I didn't know how many people really cared about our family until now. He has a smile that can light up any room. His laugh just makes your heart warm. His little hugs make you want to melt. Jacob and Abby adore Aidan. Jacob wrestles with him and Abby tries to read to him. She is mommy #2 in the house. If Aidan cries Abagail is right there to see why. The grand total for the St. Jude Trike-A-Thon was........................................ $2742.00 but wait they didn't stop there. So far they have raised $487.00 for Muscular Dystrophy. Children's Learning Center is not a daycare to us, they are part of our family!!!!! From the Watson Family and Cabe Family we want to say THANK YOU to the owner's of the daycare, The Creech Family, without them my mom and me would be lost!  

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


We had a fun filled weekend. Jacob has his first boy scout bbq and he was excited. Aidan and me stayed home and did some bonding. Abby and Jacob got to send some quailty time with their grandparents. Abagail loves their waffles. Lol. :-) Stephen and me finally took a night out to ourselves and went to watch georgia game and also see a movie. It was nice. Sunday we went on a boat with Stephen's parents. The kids loved it and Stephen and me really enjoyed spending quality time with the kiddos. Aidan loved the boat. He had no problems. He got in the water a little bit. Still waiting on his blood results to come back.

Skylar's Run 2011

We as a family went out to Skylar's Run. David and Michael did the 5K and did a wonderful job! Stephen, Kayla, my mom, all the kids, and me did the fun run! This was a first time for us showing support as a family since the diagnosis. I am not grateful for this disease but I am grateful what this disease has gave to us. It has brought our family together and has gave us strength that we didn't know even exsisted inside of us. Still trying to figure out on doing our on 5k but we will have one soon.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

We had a wonderful time at the R-Ranch this weekend. It was great for everyone to get together and have no worries or stress for at least a few days. Aidan only had one bump and one bug bite. That is great for him. lol. We are still waiting on results. I know they say it takes awhile but I am very impatient! We watched the MDA telethon this weekend also. It was hard to watch. I cried a little bit. My husband held my hand and told me everything is gonna be okay. It was hard in a sense that what they are talking about my son has. It was little heart breaking. We will do everything though and we have hope that a cure will be found. I know twenty years ago they don't have the stuff we have now so we are making progress. Next month we are taking the kiddos on vacation to their favorite place. SEA WORLD. When we first got Aidan we took him there and we want to go there again. Great memories.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

In the Moment

Aidan went to the hospital yesterday and got blood done. His poor little arms. He is a very strong boy though. One of our shops that we sell to took a jar that I made to raise money for Aidan on Tuesday afternoon and then by Wednesday morning they came back with a jar full of change. What a blessing!!! This disease doesn't just effect Aidan which he gets the worst of it but it effects our life and the way we think. A year ago my life didn't involve hospitals, researching, and asking for donations. One good thing that comes out of this is your family gets stronger as a family. Things you thought meant something really doesn't now. Everyone says I am doing great and strong for the family. The person that is strong is Aidan. I think he will always be that way. We went to Sam's Club yesterday. My mom let him run around everywhere. I just wanted to freeze time. He was running, laughing, giggling, and picking up everything. It's weird because at first you would be like don't do this or that because your a mom and he doesn't need to do all that. Their kids and you should let them be kids sometimes. Of course they need rules and structure but they need to be allowed to do things without the word no all the time. It's hard to think one day Aidan won't be allowed to run around and be so happy. It's hard to think I can't take this away from him. My son says mommy Aidan's muscles are not feeling well but they will get better. Wish it was that easy! We are grateful for him being allowed to be a kid. We will do everything we can to find a cure. We are here now in the moment and take one day at a time.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Donations through internet

You can now donate from the internet! Even if it's a dollar, every penny counts to find a cure. That would be $1.00 more to find a cure than we started. Please! Aidan is growing fast and We need to find a cure for our little boy and all the other little boys suffering from DMD!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Everyday we get closer to a cure and everyday we get stronger and stronger as a family. Minute by minute something is happening through research or word of mouth. We have been fortunate to have tons of people listening and hearing our message. We appreciate all the emails and prayers that we have got. My daughter Abby, this morning said mommy Aidan is my little brother and I love him. That's all we can do is love them. Of course some days I have bad days but that makes me so much thankful for the good ones. Tomorrow is Aidan's Trick-A-Thon at the daycare. I will post pictures later. I am waiting for insurance to okay some blood tests for Aidan. I absolutely hate insurance crap. They take forever. So ready for next weekend. We are going back to the R-Ranch for Labor Day weekend. The kids absolutely loves it there and Stephen and me get to have a break from everyday things.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

In my son's eyes

Author: Martina McBride

In my son's eyes, I am a hero.
I am strong an' wise,
And I know no fear.
But the truth is plain to see:
He was sent to rescue me,
I see who I want to be, in my son's eyes.

In my son's eyes, everyone is equal,
Darkness turns to light,
And the world is at peace.
This miracle God gave to me,
Gives me strength when I am weak.
I find reason to believe, in my son's eyes.

And when he wraps his hand around my finger,
Oh, it puts a smile in my heart.
Everything becomes a little clearer.
I realize what life is all about.
It's hanging on when your heart has had enough;
It's giving more when you feel like giving up.
I've seen the light: it's in my son's eyes.

Power of Prayer

Loves his nanny!

I am the Doctor. Now What?

Sissy and him cuddling!

Aidan loves the water!

Aidan is a bundle of Joy!

Aidan with a friend at the hospital! Pray for Aidan but also pray for all the kids at Children's Hospital!

I am overwhelmed with all the out pour I have received since Aidan's diagnosis! I have got a lot of emails, messages of wisdom, and phone calls! Every single message has showed me the Power of Prayer! I am working on doing a 5K for him maybe next spring. I am trying to figure out other ways to spread the word! My parents and Stephen's parents have been wonderful through everything. Stephen and me appreciate every prayer that is coming Aidan's way. We will find a cure and We will not give up! Aidan is a strong little boy and he will just get stronger as the journey goes on!