Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Year it has been......

It has been a year since Aidan's diagnosis. WOW really? I still can feel the pain and the sorrow. Feels like yesterday sometimes. First week of the diagnosis I cried every single day. I didn't think I would come out of this roller coaster of emotions. Then the next week I cried every other day. Now I cry once in awhile when I just need to let it out. Aidan has changed so much since last year. He is still doing speech and physical therapy. He does say words and sometimes puts two words together. Each day I remember that we were choosen as his parents for a reason. Sometimes I wonder why my little boy? why him? but then I remember what my friend told me when I was having a bad day a year ago. She said why not us? We were choosen for this for a reason, So why not pick us. We are strong, encouraging, and we will stand up and fight. Every day I try and remember that. We still have our struggles and we still have to make some hard decisions but we will do it to the best of our ability and do whats right for Aidan. This year has made me stronger and has made me realize things that I took for granted. I adore being Aidan, Jacob, and Abagail's mommy.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Guardian Angel

Sorry blogging has became the back burner for me. I know sounds horrible but life gets busy sometimes. I wanted to let everyone know on July 27th 2012 a special man went to heaven. My uncle, Mike, fought a long battle and never gave up! He is an encouragement to everyone that the little things don't matter anymore. We all have problems, We all have issues, but there is someone out there losing a loved one or battling something severe. Everyone asks me How do you go on? How do you live knowing your son's diagnosis? Well its called living for a reason. We live for the time we have, we live for that laugh from our kids, We live to give our kids a life. Everyday is a struggle I dont want to sugar coat it but everyday is also a gift. Each day I know that Mike was around me for a reason and we endured a lesson in life by his death. Going to bed at night it helps me to know Uncle Mike is watching over my kids and they have another guardian angel. Each day I wonder if I am making the best decisions for Aidan's care or if I am taking the wrong steps but there is no handbook for a child with Duchenne. There isn't a book you can pick up at the library and tell me how to deal with everything. We deal with it the best we can and we work through it.