Friday, October 12, 2012

Sleep at Night?

Last week at work a young guy came in to my office and saw the change jar I had at my desk for Aidan. He said I know what Muscular Dystrophy is but what is Duchenne? I began to explain my son's disease to him. He looked at me and said that is awful. How do you sleep at night knowing your son has this disease. I was stunned at someone saying that to me. I told him I go to sleep knowing my son had a smile on his face when he went to bed. Knowing everyday we give him our love and take in every moment we can. At first I was a little offended by his statement but I realized probably many people think that when I explain to them about Aidan's disease. We go on everyday thinking about all kinds of stuff. One good thing from the DMD diagnose it made our family realize the importance of moments, enjoyments, and take one smile at a time.

Next on order of the past week is the leg splints. It's been a trying week! Aidan knows how to take them off. He doesn't keep them on long. We are trying our best to make him keep them on. We don't blame him, what three year old would want to wear these at night. What adult would wear these at night? We are just gonna try our best and hope for the best. One night at a time here we come!!!!

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