Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Give Thanks!

We had a fantastic Thanksgiving. Couldn't ask for a better one. Aidan went to the MD Clinic last Monday to see the rehab specialists. My mom and me got some clarification on Aidan. He is a thriving two year old. Right at this moment there isn't much more we could do for him. Keep doing what we are doing. He has speech and some physical therapy. They said usually parents don't find out their child has this disease until their 5 or 6 so its a blessing we found out early. Of course I have this urge I want to do more. I want to do something but you really cannot. I figure we can show awareness, try to raise money for a cure, that is our best options right now. We cannot do anything to his body but we can spread the word around the world. So we have a few things in the works. The MD is having the walk-a-thon this March and we made a team called TEAM AIDAN. If anyone is interested joining our team let me know. Email is the best way to reach me: elainecabe@gmail.com. I want to still ask everyone to please pray for Aidan, our family, pray for all the children with DMD, and pray for the families of the lost.

On a good note, we are getting ready for Christmas

Thanks to my hubby for doing a terrific job decorating!

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean - I hate that there isn't anything I can start doing right now to keep the impending symptoms at bay. DUCHENNE SUCKS!
