Friday, June 29, 2012

Race for a Cure!!!

Each day is a race against a cure for Aidan. He is just a loving little boy and this disease is an awful one. Each day I go on Facebook and see many parents posting things as in prayers, thankful for answered prayers, wishing for this to go away, just wanting the pain to go away or just peace for their family. We stand together as parents. We don't want this to become us but this is us. We are a family even though we didn't know this family even existed. We will be there for each other. Did i want this disease to be a part of our life? NO but am I glad that I am part of a DMD family? YES

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Aidan is growing like a weed! He is thriving and doing well. We are so fortunate to have three wonderful kids. He has brought joy and laughter to our family. Abagail is his mommy #2. Jacob and Minnie left for a week to go to Florida and I didn't realize how much they help me with him. He didn't know what to do with himself. Aidan doesn't really have many things going on at the moment. Next month he is going to the MDA Clinic to meet the new doctor. In October he goes back to Columbus, OH to the great doctors up there. He is still having some issues but they have been far and between. We enjoy every second with him and know that we will get through anything!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Team Aidan

My favorite picture........ How can you say no to joining TEAM AIDAN?

MORE THAN MOST.............


The title of this blog is about more than most. More than most Aidan has went through a lot. He has overcome many things and we are thankful for that but sometimes you have to think he is going through more than most people would have to endure in their lifetime. Aidan has been hospitalized three times in the past year. First one was in March 2011. He was in there for a week. We still don't know what caused it. Second one in July 2011. He had a muscle, liver, and skin biopsy. He stayed for five days. Again in May 2012. He only stayed two days but it was the worst two days. We were in a unknown city and they couldn't figure out what was wrong. These three hospitalizations doesn't include the numerous doctors visits that he has went to. We probably went to over 30 doctors visits this past year. I cannot compare Aidan to other children but I can to my other two children, Abby and Jacob. I never knew how fortunate we were as parents to have children with no illnesses and only getting a cold or something of that nature. It makes you appreciate more. It makes you want to document every smile and every milestone with all my three kids. You only have that one moment and you cannot get that back. We need to be thankful for what we have and how we got there. Now I am not saying I am happy we went through these experiences but I am appreciative that I have learned things through this journey.