Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Haven't been blogging lately! Just been so busy with the kids out of school for the summer and now getting ready to go back to school. Updates on Aidan. Aidan has been doing good so far. We did go to the MD Clinic two weeks ago. They checked him and went over so exercises for his limping but other than that he is just being a two year old boy. We do have to make a few decisions before we go back to Ohio in October. The doctor in Atlanta and in Ohio are recommending Steriods for him. We haven't made a decision yet but we are thinking of the best options. He also has an elevuation in August for a preschool for special needs children. Not sure how I feel about it but I am gonna at least do what is best for him and go from there. I still consider him my baby so for him to go to preschool its kind of hard. Here are some highlights of the summer:

Hiking for the first time!

 I am just chilling!! :-)   
                  Sibiling Fun!

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