Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Last week Aidan and me had the sickness. Not sure if it was the flu or not but it sure wasn't fun. We stayed home all last week and tried to feel better. I did take Aidan to the hospital on Thursday as a precaution because just never know anymore what will go on. Each time he gets sick I worry constantly about him. Its hard to always make sure his fever stays down. But now we are doing great again. We both went back to daycare and work yesterday and been feeling better. Aidan is doing good at talking. He is saying more words each day. He does say mommy now and he says it all the time. He is in this little stage of yelling which I hope its a short stage because it's not going well with mommy.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

6 Months Today

Looking back the past year. Next month will be a year when everything started to happen!

Today marks six months since Aidan's diagnosis. Has it changed anything? Of course. It changed the path that we were taking and also somethings we viewed we now view them differently. It didn't change the way we love our children and it made us stronger. Aidan is a wonderful little boy that has some much joy that you wish you could have everyday. When I use to hear that things happen for a reason I always thought who came up with that was cracked. LOL. Now I honestly do believe that things do happen for reason. Of course some days I don't understand they why or how part but Aidan is in our family for a reason he was brought to us for a reason. I am enjoying being his mother and each day as we go on I am learning how to live with Duchenne. I probably not gonna like it some days but I know thats okay. I don't have to be okay with it but I will be strong for Aidan and We as a family will fight for our little boy. At first many people came together and talked about Aidan and prayed for Aidan. As the months go on I think the sting has gone but the disease hasn't left. So anyone who is reading this blog please keep praying for Aidan. He still has this disease and we still need a cure. Pray for the many boys that fighting each day.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The New Year

Well my goal to blog more has not came true yet. After the holidays we tried to get back to the swing of things but that didn't happen. Last week I had to take a unexpected trip to Ohio with my mom. My grandfather went to heaven on January 31st. Which also was my birthday. As I was sad that day I knew my birthday is a celebration of my life but also a celebration of his legacy. He was a wonderful man and fought so hard. I also know that he is heaven looking over my children and they now have another guardian angel. Enough of the sad things I would like to say Aidan is now talking more and more each day. He is just the light of our family. Stephen and me are happy he is talking but maybe missing him being our baby. Terrible two's have kicked in full force and we are running away! LOL. He is not having many issues at the moment. He still gets speech and physical therapy. We are just trying to go on with our everyday life. Someone said last week to me, I don't know how you do it? How do you go on knowing your child has that disease? I told them we don't live in the future we live for each day that is given to us. We try to think about the now. I am not saying Stephen and me don't have conversations about the future because we do but we do not dwell on what might happen. He isn't going ot the doctor much anymore. Which is a good thing for him but also bad in way because There isn't much to do for him at the moment. I am trying to get over that because I am the type I want to change it and what can I do to make it better but with Duchenne it doesn't work that way.