Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Next Day

Everyday through the week I do something that is productive with DMD. I do not try to research on the weekends because I have noticed it will change my mood if I do. I try to make the weekends about family! Every time I have an appointment or something to do with DMD I am okay when I do it. I feel like its a mission and need to get these things accomplished but the NEXT day I feel like I got hit by a truck. It's a wave of emotions. It is getting easier as the months go on since Aidan's diagnosis but the hurt never goes away. I know I am stronger than I was a year ago. I know I am better person than a year ago but I still feel the aftermath of doing things. I know I am doing what I can at this moment for Aidan but I have to realize I need to take things slow sometimes and not rush or stress about things so much! Aidan is doing well. He still hates his leg splints and we are going back to the doctor to get them fixed. In a week we are going back to Ohio to Nationwide's Hospital and see his doctor. I am excited, stress, and have anxiety all in one. This time my husband, Stephen, is going so it will be good for him to hear what the doctors have to say. I know part of him feels that I am a crazy over protective mom sometimes. lol.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Mommy needs to stop with the videos! lol

This video was to his nanny!


I started this blog little over a year ago. It was therapy for me I guess and now people ask have you put new posts up yet. When I came up with the name The Cabe Journey I really didn't know what I was committing to or what I really was gonna write about. I actually hate writing. I knew when Aidan's diagnosis came it changed our life completely but I didn't know how or how much it would. It has became a journey in its self. DMD doesn't define us and it effects our journey in life but we make our own journey. I am glad I named it the Cabe Journey because this isn't the DMD journey its about the Cabe Family's journey in life. We still have our bad and good days. We still have some moments we do not even want to say the words DMD. Sometimes we enjoy just to be in denial with the whole thing. Then there are times when we are proud to say our son has DMD and we will FIGHT!!! We are happy that our son is smiling and saying words now. I have learned through all of this is its okay to sit back and just watch life. I cannot fix everything and do every little thing anymore. Its time to just go with the journey! This song sums it up!

                                                               "I Choose To Believe"

[Verse 1]
It didn't take long for my whole world to change
One phone call now life will never be the same
It's like I'm watching my whole world go dark
Nothing makes much sense 
But still with all my heart

I Choose to believe
And never give up hope
God is good
He's in control
I'll keep the faith
I trust in His way
Even when His face is hard to see
I choose to believe 

[Verse 2]
It's easy to believe when everything goes our way
But we are all gonna go threw fire to test our faith
Life hurts so much that we can hardly breathe
We're begging to know why
But it's such a mystery 

I Choose to believe
And never give up hope
God is good
He's in control
I'll keep the faith
I trust in His way
Even when His face is hard to see
I choose to believe 

Even when my world is shaken
Even when my heart is breaking
Even when it seems He's taken so long

I Choose to believe
And never give up hope
God is good
He's in control
I'll keep the faith
I trust in His way
Even when His face is hard to see

I Choose to believe
And never give up hope
God is good
He's in control
I'll keep the faith
I trust in His way
Even when His face is hard to see
I choose to believe 
I choose to believe

Jesus, Jesus how I trust Him
How I prove Him over and over
Jesus, Jesus precious Jesus
Over grace to trust Him more

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Aidan is enjoying school and learning a lot. He is becoming a little toddler but horrible threes have came in full force. We are still working with the leg splints. First week of November we go to Ohio for Aidan's 6 month check up. I am scared, worried, but excited and trying to do what is best for him. We still have a few hard decisions to make but we will do it together.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Sleep at Night?

Last week at work a young guy came in to my office and saw the change jar I had at my desk for Aidan. He said I know what Muscular Dystrophy is but what is Duchenne? I began to explain my son's disease to him. He looked at me and said that is awful. How do you sleep at night knowing your son has this disease. I was stunned at someone saying that to me. I told him I go to sleep knowing my son had a smile on his face when he went to bed. Knowing everyday we give him our love and take in every moment we can. At first I was a little offended by his statement but I realized probably many people think that when I explain to them about Aidan's disease. We go on everyday thinking about all kinds of stuff. One good thing from the DMD diagnose it made our family realize the importance of moments, enjoyments, and take one smile at a time.

Next on order of the past week is the leg splints. It's been a trying week! Aidan knows how to take them off. He doesn't keep them on long. We are trying our best to make him keep them on. We don't blame him, what three year old would want to wear these at night. What adult would wear these at night? We are just gonna try our best and hope for the best. One night at a time here we come!!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012




Aidan is 3 today! I cannot believe my baby is three. He is my last baby! No more for me. Its bittersweet. I thought about how we got here and how we are going in the future. When Aidan was born I didn't know I would become his mother. I was there when he was born. Some might have thought I was crazy to take on another child but Aidan just had this thing about him you could never ignore. He smiles all the time and he gives the biggest hugs. Oh don't worry terrible three's have hit and there will be some trying days but I am glad that I got to be the one who puts him in time out and who kisses him when he gets hurt. Aidan has turned into a character. He laughs, plays, and loves to get into everything. He has grown so quickly since last year especially at the R-Ranch. Use to be a chore to go to the R-Ranch when he was a baby. Now he just wants to do whatever the older kids are doing and some things I wish he did not see them doing. lol. Next month I am proud to announce that our adoption will be going through! On November 5,2012 Aidan will be ours. He has always been ours in our hearts but now he can take on my husband's name. This experience has been trying, emotional, but exhilariting and happiness rolled into one. Aidan's name will be changed. He is keeping the name Aidan but we will announce his full name next month! :-)