Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Next Day

Everyday through the week I do something that is productive with DMD. I do not try to research on the weekends because I have noticed it will change my mood if I do. I try to make the weekends about family! Every time I have an appointment or something to do with DMD I am okay when I do it. I feel like its a mission and need to get these things accomplished but the NEXT day I feel like I got hit by a truck. It's a wave of emotions. It is getting easier as the months go on since Aidan's diagnosis but the hurt never goes away. I know I am stronger than I was a year ago. I know I am better person than a year ago but I still feel the aftermath of doing things. I know I am doing what I can at this moment for Aidan but I have to realize I need to take things slow sometimes and not rush or stress about things so much! Aidan is doing well. He still hates his leg splints and we are going back to the doctor to get them fixed. In a week we are going back to Ohio to Nationwide's Hospital and see his doctor. I am excited, stress, and have anxiety all in one. This time my husband, Stephen, is going so it will be good for him to hear what the doctors have to say. I know part of him feels that I am a crazy over protective mom sometimes. lol.

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