Tuesday, October 2, 2012




Aidan is 3 today! I cannot believe my baby is three. He is my last baby! No more for me. Its bittersweet. I thought about how we got here and how we are going in the future. When Aidan was born I didn't know I would become his mother. I was there when he was born. Some might have thought I was crazy to take on another child but Aidan just had this thing about him you could never ignore. He smiles all the time and he gives the biggest hugs. Oh don't worry terrible three's have hit and there will be some trying days but I am glad that I got to be the one who puts him in time out and who kisses him when he gets hurt. Aidan has turned into a character. He laughs, plays, and loves to get into everything. He has grown so quickly since last year especially at the R-Ranch. Use to be a chore to go to the R-Ranch when he was a baby. Now he just wants to do whatever the older kids are doing and some things I wish he did not see them doing. lol. Next month I am proud to announce that our adoption will be going through! On November 5,2012 Aidan will be ours. He has always been ours in our hearts but now he can take on my husband's name. This experience has been trying, emotional, but exhilariting and happiness rolled into one. Aidan's name will be changed. He is keeping the name Aidan but we will announce his full name next month! :-)


  1. SO excited for you guys!!! Congrats Cabe family!

  2. I get excited every time I read those words! I cannot wait til you say he is officially (on paper, of course, bc he's already there in everyone's hearts) YOURS!!!!
