Thursday, September 1, 2011

In the Moment

Aidan went to the hospital yesterday and got blood done. His poor little arms. He is a very strong boy though. One of our shops that we sell to took a jar that I made to raise money for Aidan on Tuesday afternoon and then by Wednesday morning they came back with a jar full of change. What a blessing!!! This disease doesn't just effect Aidan which he gets the worst of it but it effects our life and the way we think. A year ago my life didn't involve hospitals, researching, and asking for donations. One good thing that comes out of this is your family gets stronger as a family. Things you thought meant something really doesn't now. Everyone says I am doing great and strong for the family. The person that is strong is Aidan. I think he will always be that way. We went to Sam's Club yesterday. My mom let him run around everywhere. I just wanted to freeze time. He was running, laughing, giggling, and picking up everything. It's weird because at first you would be like don't do this or that because your a mom and he doesn't need to do all that. Their kids and you should let them be kids sometimes. Of course they need rules and structure but they need to be allowed to do things without the word no all the time. It's hard to think one day Aidan won't be allowed to run around and be so happy. It's hard to think I can't take this away from him. My son says mommy Aidan's muscles are not feeling well but they will get better. Wish it was that easy! We are grateful for him being allowed to be a kid. We will do everything we can to find a cure. We are here now in the moment and take one day at a time.

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