Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Less than a week.......

                Less than a week we are going to Cincinnati, OH. I am having mix feelings about it. What to expect and how to deal with it? I usually don't blog about stuff like this but its says the Cabe Journey. It's emotional. Each day is getting easier to enjoy life and let the small stuff go but also when you have bad days it can make your day horrible. It teaches you to enjoy the small things. Yes the laundry needs to be done but what about playing with the kiddos outside instead. Now don't go to your husbands and say hey I cannot do my laundry because I need to play with the kids, I don't need husbands coming to me. LOL. Just like the book I enjoyed writing in the book it was kinda like therapy but its also hard to read the book. You are so proud to do something for your son and other parent's sons but its hard to know your son is one of the children with DMD. Right when I found out about Aidan's diagnosis I stayed up all night and made a slide show of Aidan and his disease. I have it on YouTube. I cannot watch all of it yet maybe one day but just not yet. I researched and researched and people didn't know what this disease was. If you say cancer they say awww I am so sorry but if you say Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy their like oh, They don't know if they should be sad or should say something. We have a few people say to us well you don't know that and you never know things will change. I know we don't know whats gonna happen in our future but the down play they give you i don't like. Duchenne is a serious condition. Some websites state its the most common fatal disease in the Muscular Dystrophy group. If you are a parent and you read FATAL disease how do you think your heart feels. Your heart sinks into your stomach! It's a process that you go through emotionally. All these feelings come all at you and every day you get new feelings and some fade away. You have to take one step at a time. You have to take in each breathe and savor each moment. We cannot predict the future as much of you know me I have been wishing to predict the future. You have to live through it.  The two words that help me each morning that I say to myself is HOPE and FAITH. I have hope for the future but I have faith that it will be okay.

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